Ethereum: Error Message Explained – “Typingror: Unsupported Addressable Value (Argument =” Target “, value = null, code = invalid_argument, version = 6.11.1)”
The development of their Ethereum-Based smart contracts locally using hardhat, you may have encountered an error message that seems daunting and confusing. “Typing: Unsupported addressable value (argument =” target “, value = null, code = invalid_argument, version = 6.11.1)” to help you understood The Issue.
What does the error message mean?
The error message is a technical description of the problem that is occurring on your machine. Here’s a Breakdown:
- Unsupported addressable value (argument = “target”, value = null)
: The
nullvalue representents a missing or invalid argument.
- (Code = invalid_argument, version = 6.11.1)
: This Additional Information provides more details about the issue:
+Version = 6.11.1:
Why is this error occurring?
There are several potential reasons why you're encountering this error:
Missing or IncorRect Wallet Address :
* Invalid or missingternamed accountsfunction call
: the ternamed accountsfunction is used to retrieve the accounts associated with your Ethereum Wallet. If you are not called correctly, or
* Incorbrect contract deployment :
How to Resolve The Issue
To fix the error message, follow thesis steps:
- Check if the address is spelled correctly and matches the one associated with your wallet.
- Make sure you're passing the request arguments (e.g.,address”,
) to this function.
- Check the code for any errors or inconscisties.
Example Correction
Here’s an example of how you can modify your script to resolve the issue:
Const {getnamed accounts, ethers} = require (“hardhat”);
Const accounts = Await ternamed accounts ({from: “your-wallet-agress”});
Constitute address = Accounts [0]. contract;
// Verify that the contract is deployed correctly with the correct addressable values
Console.log (Address Contract: $ {Address}});
Thesis Steps and Examples, you should be able to resolve