Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Ethereum: How to send multiple orders to FTX or binace in different prices – sinoroader

Ethereum: How to send multiple orders to FTX or binace in different prices

I can provide you with an example of an article that describes how to implement this functionality using Python.

sending several orders to FTX or Binance at different prices

In this example, we will use the “Pandas” library to read a CSV file containing control data and write it in a new CSV file. We will then use the “requests” library to make API calls to several exchanges (FTX and Binance) and send orders at different prices.

Step 1: Install the required libraries

Before you start, make sure that the following libraries are installed:


PIP installs pandas requests


Step 2: Read the control data from the CSV file


Import pandas as a PD

Ethereum: How to send multiple orders to FTX or binace in different prices

Command loading data from the CSV file

Def Load_orders (file_name):

to try:

orders_df = pd.read_csv (file_name)

Back orders_df

except exceptions like E:

print (f "order of loading orders: {e}")

Returns none


Step 3: Define the termination points of the exchange API and the parameters

We will use the FTX API to make a Get request for each price. For Binance, we will use their point of termination of the API with the "symbol" parameter defined onbnbbinanceus”. We will also define some constants for our API keys:


Exchange of API termination points and parameters

Ftx_api_endpoint = "

Binance_api_endpoint = "

Exchange_api_key = "Your_ftx_api_key"

Exchange_api_secret = "your_ftx_api_secret"

Def Get_exchange_api_endpoint (exchange):

If Exchange == FTX:

Return ftx_api_endpoint

Elif Exchange == Binance:

Return binance_api_endpoint


Step 4: Check each line and send orders to the exchanges

We will use a “for” loop to iterate on each line in the control data, then make API calls both to FTX and Binance at different prices.

` Python

Send orders to FTX

Def Send_orders_to_ftx (Orders_DF):

For index, line in orders_df.iterrows ():

If row [“id_open”] == 0:

Price1 = 50.2390

Price2 = 30.3245

Response = Requires.post (


Data = {

“symbol”: f “{exchange_api_key} / {exchange}”,

“Side”: “Buy”,

“Type”: “Limit”,

“Quantity”: line [“price”],

“Timeinforce”: “GTC”


headers = {“content-type”: “application / json”}



Response = Requires.post (


Data = {

“symbol”: f “{exchange_api_key} / {exchange}”,

“Side”: “Sell”,

“Type”: “Limit”,

“Quantity”: line [“price”],

“Timeinforce”: “GTC”


headers = {“content-type”: “application / json”}


Check if the API call has succeeded

Answer.raise_for_status ()


Send commands to Binance

Def Send_orders_to_Binance (Orders_DF):

For index, line in orders_df.iterrows ():

If row [“id_open”] == 0:

Price1 = 50.2390

Price2 = 30.3245

Response = Requires.post (


Data = {

“symbol”: f “{exchange_api_key} / {exchange}”,

“Side”: “Buy”,

“Type”: “Limit”,

“Quantity”: line [“price”],

“Timeinforce”: “GTC”


headers = {“content-type”: “application / json”}



Answer = requests.



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